
Uber fare estimate
Uber fare estimate

This style is pricey with a base fare at $20, but driving in style is worth every penny. Enjoy your trip in Tesla Model S, Mercedes Benz S-Class or BMW 7-series options. UberLux: Feeling fancy? UberLUX offers ride options in high-end vehicles from Uber's top rated drivers. This option allows for you to seat 6 people. UberXL: Another budgeting option, it offers the same service as UberX but instead of a sedan, you will get an SUV or van. A perfect budgeting option, Uber will send an everyday car to your location with seating up to four people. So just how Uber-friendly is Grand Rapids after a full-year of service?įirst let's get acquainted with the different services Uber offers and how they work: More people have been signing up to be Uber drivers, making virtually almost every Grand Rapids neighborhood accessible and changing the travel time of residents.

uber fare estimate

The city's blooming downtown scene and growing population have made Grand Rapids a top place to visit, which has been great for the growing ride-sharing service. It's been just over a year since Uber launched their service in Grand Rapids, and business seems to be booming.

Uber fare estimate